Sunday, July 28, 2013

Surprise Surprise!

The other day mom and I went out shopping and we ended up stopping by Ross. As we were about to leave empty handed, we decided to go to the little beauty section that they have in the corner of the store. They basically throw everything onto a rack and you have to sift through a whole bunch of products to find something that you actually want. At the last possible second before mom and I gave up, I found something. This seven pack of nail polishes (sorry I cut off the last one there!) in a nice variety of colors ranging from an almond butter to a deep purple. This was an absolute steal at $5.99, and we left that store with only that polish set in hand. I've been wearing this polish for a couple of days now without a top clear coat and it hasn't chipped so far, I must say I'm impressed. So if you haven't done so yet, go check it out!

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