Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming!

Yesterday I had to go to an interview at my college bookstore (BTW, I got the job! Yay!), and afterwards Bryan and I wanted to go do something fun. So I changed my outfit, hopped in the car, and we headed up to Tampa where the Florida Aquarium is located. However, by the time we arrived it was four o'clock and the park closed at five. OH NOOO!!! So we ran around the whole aquarium as fast as we could while taking pictures of all the animals and just simply enjoying ourselves. We saw sooo many cute animals (like otters OMG they are little furry balls of adorable), and some not so cute animals (like sharks...). Although we didn't have as much time as we wanted to, Bryan and I had a blast together. Everyone should go visit The Florida Aquarium!

Pssssst! Here's the link to the website of the aquarium --> #you'rewelcome ;)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Surprise Surprise!

The other day mom and I went out shopping and we ended up stopping by Ross. As we were about to leave empty handed, we decided to go to the little beauty section that they have in the corner of the store. They basically throw everything onto a rack and you have to sift through a whole bunch of products to find something that you actually want. At the last possible second before mom and I gave up, I found something. This seven pack of nail polishes (sorry I cut off the last one there!) in a nice variety of colors ranging from an almond butter to a deep purple. This was an absolute steal at $5.99, and we left that store with only that polish set in hand. I've been wearing this polish for a couple of days now without a top clear coat and it hasn't chipped so far, I must say I'm impressed. So if you haven't done so yet, go check it out!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Color Coded Happiness

Charming Charlie was one of those stores where I would always walk into going gaga over everything and then cheap old me would walk out of empty handed. Yesterday was going to be another one of those times until I found the holy grail of shopping, the clearance rack! I was so super excited as I danced my way over to the little rack. Most things weren't in my size, however, I did find this gem here which is an adorable blue ombre striped dress. It looked like a really comfortable fabric which would be nice to wear as a day dress with some flats or even done up with wedges and a cute belt. The possibilities are endless! And it was just $14.99! For those of you who don't know, Charming Charlie is a clothing store which is color coded. Everything blue is over here, everything red is over there, so on and so forth. I absolutely love the whole idea of the store and you will always end up finding something that you can't leave without. I encourage everyone to find a store nearest them and have a ball! Ta Ta for now, See Ya!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beach Day Yayyy!!

As I prepared for my beach day with my boyfriend, I had to decide which one of my bathing suits I wanted to wear. I had two of my particular favorite suits laying out in front of me pretty unsure of what I wanted to do. Which one do I choose?? And then I thought, why not have both?! I took the top of one bathing suit and put it on the bottoms of the other. It actually looked pretty good. So my advice to everyone today would be to just mix it up a little, have some fun! Find two bathing suits that complement each other and mix and match to your hearts content. See ya :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Birthday Boy!

It's Bailey's Birthday today!! He is just the cutest puppy ever and I love him oh so very much! We went to Petco yesterday to buy all of his presents. We got him an arrangement of doggie treats that look like cute little cookies, an adorable toy bunny, and an edible card. Also, my boyfriend went out of his way to purchase Bailey a customized dog tag which Bailey loves. That little spoiled boy! Haha well we love him very much. Go and give some love to your pets! Byeee :D

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Check it Out!
Hey Everyone! So I just wanted to give a little shoutout to my new friend Deresha Thompson. Her blog is super cute and it would be cool if y'all could send her some love (the link is above). She loves anything to do with fashion and beauty so I just know y'all will love her. See you tomorrow, Bye! :)

Friday, July 19, 2013

My Huge Target College Haul!

Everyone go check this out! It's a Target haul were I bought a bunch of stuff for my college dorm :) Don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just rolling along

We are just running some errands together on this lovely Wednesday afternoon! Just wanted to check in with everyone and say hi. College preparation has been crazy, and let me tell you something matching colors is everything. Guys may not think so but it will definitely tie your college dorm together. Anyways, more about that at a later date. Ciao my loves!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dollar Store Fun OOTD #4

For a friends birthday we all decided to head down to the dollar store to get some essential party supplies. For her special day I decided to wear a Forever 21 seafoam green scalloped tiered top, American Eagle khaki shorts, and a Burlington Coat Factory silver flower headband to match the beading on my top. Overall, we had a fantastic time with our confetti guns, candy filled pinata, and diet coke with mentos. Just another crazy summer day <3

Sunday, July 14, 2013

He's Just a Big Ole Cheese Head!

So my boyfriend/best friend has been gone for two and a half weeks in Wisconsin! I've been missing him terribly so he has been keeping me up to date with what he's been doing through pictures. This is what he sent me the other day after hanging out with some of his family. Look at those trees! Haha well I know he's reading this up north so Hi Bryan, I'll see you in two days at the airport :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wooooo Orientation!!!!! :D

I had a wonderful time these past few days at my orientation. Sorry I haven't been able to upload lately, I've been really busy with college. I have some cool things in store for this next week so more interesting material is coming I promise. Here's a few pics from this week, enjoy! Oh yeah and............. GOOOO BULLS!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm Gunna Pop Some Tags..

Today was just one of those Goodwill days. I must say though, I have been thrift shopping long before it was considered cool, but that's besides the point. So many good finds today including Mossimo Supply Co. black ballet flats which were purchased for $6.98, a 36.5 degree peach tutu skirt  for $3.99, an Areopostale tan skirt for $2.99, and a Stoosh floral skirt for $3.99. Don't forget to stop by your local thrift store to help out your community, whether to shop or to drop off your used items :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Fine Line

Floral is a very tricky print where one could easily get confused, overwhelmed, or overzealous while trying to structure  an outfit around the print. I like to go by the rule where you wear one floral piece per outfit maximum. This way you can be assured that your outfit is not overwhelmed by the flowers but just has enough to still be considered fun and classy. Honestly, everyone has different styles so I can't necessarily speak for everyone reading, however, I would like to think that generally if the floral looks as if it was drawn by a child it might not be optimal for clothing. One thing to also keep in mind while trying to wear  floral prints is that the accessories are just as, if not more, important than the floral itself. Remember stay classy ladies! See you tomorrow :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

What a night, what a night..

So last night I was invited to go watch one of my friends band play at one of our local bar/billiard/ hangout areas. In usual fashion, I ended up running around last minute changing my outfit a thousand times and settled on something I thought was venue appropriate. However, when I got there I found out I was terribly wrong. Standing there sitting in my chiffon bright blue and white collared high-low top and dark denim studded mini shirt, I stuck out like a sore thumb. I felt sort of ridiculously colorful and overdressed amongst the sea of dark clothing that surrounded me. Never being in a place like this before when I left my house I thought I was looking pretty good. However between my bright outfit and the fact that I look like I'm twelve, when I got there I got some awkward looks. So my tip for anyone who might be attending something like this and have never before would probably to definitely not try too hard, I think that was my biggest downfall. If you do go, most people there are really casual. Like old tee shirt and jeans casual. That paired with some cute sandals would probably be best. Make sure that your bag is an crossbody bag so that your hands are free to jump around and enjoy your evening out. Well it looks like my horror story is to your benefit... so you're welcome :)

Friday, July 5, 2013

What Do I Think About..... Leggings #1

Leggings, leggings, leggings.... What do I think about leggings? To be honest, I used to be a firm believer of "Leggings are not pants! So don't wear them as such!". However nowadays, I am loosening my grip on the subject and starting to see other possibilities for the leg wear. When worn correctly I believe that leggings could be a cute, playful addition to anyone's closet, as long as they don't start to consume your wardrobe. Lately I've seen them being worn with a nice loose, flowing top so that the eye isn't focusing all in the hip area. I think this is a good idea because most girls like the classic legging look but don't exactly want to show off their midsection, or just don't think that it would be all that flattering. The exact opposite of that would be how many girls choose to complete this look and it would be with some sort of tight crop top. This can work too if implemented correctly, but then again might not be optimal for everyone. I think that with something so tight and eye catching as a printed legging or leggings in general pairing it with a looser top (maybe even a cute sweater) gives some sort of balance to the whole ensemble. That could work as a nice day look, whereas the crop top outfit could be worn more appropriately at night when you go out and want that kind of eye catching outfit. So to wrap things up, what do I think about leggings? They for sure have the Alana stamp of approval!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I'm sooooooo excited right now because I just bought my ticket for a Macklemore and Ryan Lewis concert!! Although the concert isn't until November, you best believe I have already began looking for my perfect Macklemore concert outfit. Let's be honest, the first thing I think about when going anywhere is my outfit. All of these items are straight off of one of my favorite fashion sites, Forever 21, and are all relatively cheap. Because Macklemore is very edgy that is the direction I wanted to go in with my style. So here in a nice neat list is all of my picked items with their prices so that it is easy for y'all to buy this too if you want.

Spiked Two-Finger Ring
Cutout Filigree Cuff
Vertical Striped Bodycon Dress
Sleek Patent Sneakers (for comfort during a long concert)
Faceted Triangle Studs (for a pop of color)
Patent Messenger Bag (for a pop of color)