Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Year, Same Me

2016 came rolling in without mercy. I realized that time didn’t magically stop and wait for me to get me crap together during the break before the New Year started. There were quite a few things that I wanted to accomplish before 2016 that never got done. That being said, I am still the same me. However, hopefully 2016 will be a year of growing and learning. I will (fingers crossed!) get my degree this year, apply for grad school, and take my personal blog/brand to the next level. 

Right now I am in the middle of a building website for myself which will feature a résumé, some blog posts, and a portfolio.  I am so excited to launch it but it still needs a lot more work to get it ready. This was something I had planned to do before 2016. I also wanted to get separate social media accounts for the blog on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. With work and school it is sometimes hard to find time to dedicate towards working on the blog and my website. 

I will get many things done this year (hopefully in a timelier manner!) and I will continue to grow this blog for everyone involved. Thank you for all your support and for taking the time out to read my posts! I really appreciate all of my readers. I hope 2016 goes brilliantly for all of you!

Until next time,
Alana Long

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