Friday, September 25, 2015

New Friends and New Adventures!

We are getting real here people, so buckle up; it’s going to be a wild ride. 

I don’t really make posts that are too personal and real to who I am. Most people who come to this site mainly come for my fashion reviews and that’s fine. However, today I wanted to talk about something a little different. I was inspired by Louise’s blog Sprinkle of Glitter because her latest post about her 6th year blogerversary was heartfelt and I wanted to do the same. 

To be honest, I have never been great at keeping friends although, I have weirdly always been great at making them. I just never seem to be able to keep people around for long which has always been hard for me. My boyfriend has friends who he talks to everyday and they all have been close friends for years. This is foreign to me, but I see how happy it makes him to have those sorts of people in his life. 

Over the past two years, I have been lucky enough to share some of Josh’s friendships and it has been great. I now go to karaoke bars (who would have figured that one?!), football games, restaurants, concerts (soooo many concerts, like FOR REAL), parties, and so much more. I am just grateful for the people around me who keep me busy, who keep me company, and keep me happy. 

Here’s to new friends and new adventures! 

XOXO Stay Fabulous!

Alana Long

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