Saturday, November 15, 2014

What "an additional 50% more" really means at Forever 21

You would assume that it would mean just what it says, but it's a little tricky.

This weekend I was at Forever 21 and I saw a beautifully labeled corner rack... "additional 50% off". I walk over to it thinking, "can this really be as fantastic as it looks?". There were a lot of cute items all piled up on top of one another and I got very excited. On the tags it shows red prices written on and the original price. Most of the time the red number was about half of the original so maybe it was silly of me to  think this but I wasn't sure if this was the final price or not.

I spot this really cute pair of sneakers on the shelf with the same red markings on it that I just had to have. If the labels were true to their meaning, these shoes would be around $9. But on the same hand, if the red marked price was the 50% off and final they would be $18 and possibly not worth my time.

I went over this possibility in my head and figured out that I liked these shoes so much I would suck up the extra $9 and buy the shoes if it came down to that. 

I know at this point you are thinking, "Alana, why don't you just ASK someone who worked there silly?". The answer would sound something like this, "I lost my voice and sound like a squeaky mouse that nobody can understand. And frankly, that would just be embarrassing."

So I buckled down and headed toward the checkout counter. And now for the big reveal... the shoes rang up as $9!! I was super excited since these shoes were a steal and they had flowers on them so checks all around!

Here's my silly story that hopefully helped anyone who might've had the same question that I did :) When Forever 21 says "an additional 50% off", they MEAN it!

Stay Fabulous!
-Alana Long